Description of the name "Babygirl"

Babygirl is most popular name in District of Columbia of US for all generations. And most popular Girl name of Generation Z (Gen Z or Zoomers) in South. The popularity of this name is recently(3-years to 2022) stalled for female in South, and stalled for female in South


here's more graphs and information.

Visualized Trend by Regions for 'Babygirl'
Visualized Trend by States for 'Babygirl'


The total number and actual popularities of births of the name "Babygirl"

Years with the same rank do not necessarily indicate the same number of births. Name data come from Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the United States.  

The rankings of the name "Babygirl" by years


Name Rankings by Generations



Name Rankings by Generations and Regions