Description of the name "Candice"
Candice is most popular name in Mississippi of US for all generations. And most popular Girl name of Millennials (Gen Y) in South. The Short-term(recent 3 years) Trend of this Girl name is stalled, And The Long-term(recent 25 years) Trend is stalled.The popularity of this name is recently(3-years to 2022) stalled for female in MidWest, stalled for female in Northeast, stalled for female in South, stalled for female in West, and stalled for female in MidWeststalled for female in Northeaststalled for female in Southstalled for female in West
here's more graphs and information.
Visualized Trend by Regions for 'Candice'
Visualized Trend by States for 'Candice'
The total number and actual popularities of births of the name "Candice"
Years where ranks are the same does not imply that the number of births are the same. Data are missing for 4 years where the name Howard is not in the top 1000 most popular names. Name data are from Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the United States.
The rankings of the name "Candice" by years
Name Rankings by Generations
In the Silent Generation(1928~1945),
the popularity of name "Candice" is
1321st out of 1429 names.
In the Baby Boomers(1946~1964),
the popularity of name "Candice" is
413th out of 1441 names.
In the Generation X (Gen X)(1965~1980),
the popularity of name "Candice" is
255th out of 1550 names.
In the Millennials (Gen Y)(1981~1996),
the popularity of name "Candice" is
131st out of 1589 names.
In the Generation Z (Gen Z or Zoomers)(1997~2012),
the popularity of name "Candice" is
1030th out of 1586 names.
Name Rankings by Generations and regions
In the
Generation X (Gen X)(1965~1980) of
MidWest, the popularity of name "Candice" is
263rd out of
1586 names of Girl.
In the
Generation X (Gen X)(1965~1980) of
South, the popularity of name "Candice" is
189th out of
1586 names of Girl.
In the
Generation X (Gen X)(1965~1980) of
West, the popularity of name "Candice" is
184th out of
1586 names of Girl.
In the
Millennials (Gen Y)(1981~1996) of
MidWest, the popularity of name "Candice" is
153rd out of
1586 names of Girl.
In the
Millennials (Gen Y)(1981~1996) of
Northeast, the popularity of name "Candice" is
218th out of
1586 names of Girl.
In the
Millennials (Gen Y)(1981~1996) of
South, the popularity of name "Candice" is
99th out of
1586 names of Girl.
In the
Millennials (Gen Y)(1981~1996) of
West, the popularity of name "Candice" is
138th out of
1586 names of Girl.
Popularities by states
In here, popularity refers to the value obtained by dividing the number of births with that name in a particular state by the total number of births in that state. Therefore, it represents an absolute value of popularity unaffected by population.