Babyboy Name Popularity Trends: Regional & Generational Analysis
The name Babyboy is celebrated as the most popular name in District of Columbia, USA, spanning across all generations. It is also the most favored Boy name among Generation Z (Gen Z or Zoomers) in the South region. Over the recent 3 years, the trend of this Boy name is stalled, while the trend over the past 25 years is stalled. Between 2020 and 2022, the popularity of Babyboy has been stalled for male in the South region. Meanwhile, the long-term trend (25 years) shows it has been stalled for male in the South region. Generational insights show the name 'Babyboy' has seen varying ranks over time: In the Millennials (Gen Y) generation (1981~1996), it ranked 1349th out of 1406 names. In the Generation Z (Gen Z or Zoomers) generation (1997~2012), it ranked 1421st out of 1436 names. Explore detailed regional and generational insights into the name 'Babyboy' to discover its timeless appeal and modern trends.
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Visualized Trend by Regions for 'Babyboy'
Visualized Trend by States for 'Babyboy'
The total number and actual popularities of births of the name "Babyboy"
Years with the same rank do not necessarily indicate the same number of births. Name data come from Social Security card
applications for births that occurred in the United States.
The rankings of the name "Babyboy" by years
Babyboy Name Popularity by Generations
Generation |
Gender |
Rank |
Total Names |
Millennials (Gen Y)(1981~1996)
Boy |
1349th/1406 |
126 |
Generation Z (Gen Z or Zoomers)(1997~2012)
Boy |
1421st/1436 |
141 |
Name Rankings by Generations and Regions
TOP(%) |
MidWest |
Northeast |
South |
West |
G.I. Generation (1901~1927)
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Silent Generation (1928~1945)
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Baby Boomers (1946~1964)
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Generation X (Gen X) (1965~1980)
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Millennials (Gen Y) (1981~1996)
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Generation Z (Gen Z or Zoomers) (1997~2012)
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73.71% 328th/445 |
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Generation Alpha (2013~2023)
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Popularities by States
In this context, popularity is determined by dividing the number of births with a specific name in a given state
the total number of births in that state. This method provides an absolute measure of popularity that remains
unaffected by population size.