Madelyn Name Popularity Analysis: Historical Trends & Regional Insights

The name Madelyn is most popular in Wisconsin, USA across all generations. It ranks highest as a Girl name among the Generation Alpha generation in the MidWest region. Recent 3-year trends show this Girl name is gaining popularity, while the 25-year trend indicates it has been consistently rising. From 2020-2022, Madelyn has been stalled for female in MidWest, stalled for female in Northeast, stalled for female in South, stalled for female in West. The long-term 25-year analysis reveals it has been stalled for female in MidWest, too falling for female in Northeast, too falling for female in South, stalled for female in West. Across generations, 'Madelyn' has shown interesting popularity patterns: Among the G.I. Generation (1901-1927), it ranked 412th out of 1539 names. Among the Silent Generation (1928-1945), it ranked 512th out of 1429 names. Among the Baby Boomers (1946-1964), it ranked 683rd out of 1441 names. Among the Generation X (Gen X) (1965-1980), it ranked 1527th out of 1550 names. Among the Millennials (Gen Y) (1981-1996), it ranked 676th out of 1589 names. Among the Generation Z (Gen Z or Zoomers) (1997-2012), it ranked 107th out of 1586 names. Among the Generation Alpha (2013-2023), it ranked 61st out of 1328 names. Discover how the name 'Madelyn' has evolved through American history with our comprehensive regional and generational analysis.

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Historical Birth Statistics for the Name "Madelyn"

Note: Years with identical rankings may represent different numbers of births. Data is sourced from Social Security card applications for births in the United States.

Yearly Ranking History of "Madelyn"

"Madelyn" Popularity Across American Generations

Generation Gender Rank Total Names
G.I. Generation (1901-1927) Girl 412th of 1539 4,723
Silent Generation (1928-1945) Girl 512th of 1429 3,353
Baby Boomers (1946-1964) Girl 683rd of 1441 3,642
Generation X (Gen X) (1965-1980) Girl 1527th of 1550 115
Millennials (Gen Y) (1981-1996) Girl 676th of 1589 4,442
Generation Z (Gen Z or Zoomers) (1997-2012) Girl 107th of 1586 48,621
Generation Alpha (2013-2023) Girl 61st of 1328 42,496

Regional Popularity of "Madelyn" by Generation for Male Names

TOP(%) MidWest Northeast South West
G.I. Generation
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Silent Generation
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Baby Boomers
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Generation X (Gen X)
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Millennials (Gen Y)
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Generation Z (Gen Z or Zoomers)
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Generation Alpha
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Regional Popularity of "Madelyn" by Generation for Female Names

TOP(%) MidWest Northeast South West
G.I. Generation
- - - -
Silent Generation
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Baby Boomers
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Generation X (Gen X)
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Millennials (Gen Y)
- - - -
Generation Z (Gen Z or Zoomers)
Generation Alpha

State-by-State Popularity of "Madelyn"

This map shows the relative popularity of "Madelyn" across states, calculated by dividing the number of births with this name in each state by the total births in that state. This methodology provides a standardized measure of popularity regardless of state population size.